Rescue Mission Successful: Abandoned Dog Tied to a Tree Rescued Just in Time

Fortunately, a puppy’s life was saved thanks to the kindness of a stranger who heard its faint barking while strolling through the woods in Oak Cliff, Texas. Kaleigh Wetrich and her friend were exploring the area on a Sunday after visiting a nearby apartment.


As she walked, Ƙaleigh heard a faint bark and decided to investigate. She stumbled upon a heartbreaking sight- a Boxer mix tied to a tree with a garden hose. The poor pup was restrained by the house which was wrapped around two trees and tied around his head, leaving him unable to move anywhere but in between each tree. It was evident that he had been abandoned on the vacant lot, with no food or water in sight, only leaves to shelter him from the blazing sun. When Ƙaleigh approached, the dog barked weakly, as if trying to communicate that he was there and needed help. He was starving and could barely stand, showcasing the dire situation he was in.


As soon as she discovered the abandoned puppy, Ƙaleigh reached out to Apollo Support Rescue via Facebook. A kind volunteer named Steve Basham quickly responded and followed Ƙaleigh’s directions to find the little dog. The pup was overjoyed to see them and barked excitedly. Sadly, it seemed that the poor animal had been left on its own without sustenance for at least a week.


According to Steve, they were able to rescue a young dog just in time before his organs began shutting down. The dog, whom they named Lucky, was discovered by Ƙaleigh who cried all night after finding him in a dire situation. She stated that she couldn’t bear leaving a helpless creature to die. Upon taking Lucky to the vet clinic, they found out that he had severe hookworm and flea infestations, was anemic, and had a low blood platelet count, which led to the consideration of a blood transfusion. However, despite his weakened state, Lucky’s rescuers remain optimistic about his chances of making a full recovery and finding a loving home. Steve, who is also Lucky’s fosterer, provided an update on the dog’s progress a few days after the rescue took place in August.


In the words of Danielle, the founder of Apollo Rescue, Lucky has finally found solace and trust in humans. The brave pup’s transformation is nothing short of amazing, and he is now ready to be placed in a loving home. After thorough screening, the shelter found a caring family willing to offer the care and affection that Lucky deserves.
This heartwarming story underscores the pressing need for animal welfare reforms and responsible pet ownership. It has inspired many to become more vigilant and report cases of abuse or neglect, and support local animal shelters and rescue organizations.
Lucky’s journey from hopelessness to happiness is a testament to the incredible impact of kindness and care on the lives of animals in distress. It serves as a reminder to speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves and use our power to create a world where no animal suffers unnecessarily.

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