“A Canine’s Tale of Perseverance Through Unimaginable Hardships”


Introducing Eeyore, the adorable pup who has had a rough start to life but is now receiving love and care at Stray Rescue St. Louis. This sweet dog has already won over the hearts of those who saved him.


The poor dog, now named Eeyore, is in a terrible condition with bleeding wounds and severe mange. To make matters worse, he has also tested positive for the deadly canine parvovirus (parvo), as reported by the rescue group on their Facebook page. Despite all his suffering, Eeyore seems to bear no ill will towards humans and craves nothing more than love and affection. His eyes are filled with sorrow and it’s impossible not to feel moved by his plight.



Eeyore is currently undergoing medical treatment and is showing positive signs of progress by eating and drinking. These are good indications that he is fighting hard to survive. If you want to see for yourself, check out the video below:

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