A Heartbreaking Tale: A Weak and Hungry Mama Dog Left Alone by the Stream

Great news! Olivia has made it to Dumaguete Animal Sanctuary. The team received a call on October 7, 2022, about a dog found lying in a creek, severely undernourished and weak.

The team of rescuers assessed the situation nearby the shelter as a small puppy was apparently in labour and required assistance. The poor creature was extremely malnourished and needed urgent care to survive.

As soon as they reached their destination, a sorrowful female canine caught their attention. She appeared to be undernourished and too frail to move around.

Let’s all send positive vibes to Olivia as she undergoes a 14-day isolation period to confirm that she is free from rabies. Here’s hoping for a speedy recovery!

Go ahead and spread the word so that she can be adopted by the perfect family!

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