“Adding 23 Roses to Your Pollinator Garden: A Blooming Delight!”

Roses can be a great addition to your pollinator garden. Although not all roses produce nectar, there are plenty of pollinator-friendly roses that have pollen-rich golden stamens, which attract beneficial bugs like bees, hoverflies, and predatory wasps to your yard. The pollen is high in protein and is collected by bees to form a sticky substance needed for breeding.

An effective pollinator garden with diverse companion plants will encourage beneficial insects to provide natural pest control. When choosing roses for your pollinator garden, think like an insect. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

1. Look for roses with open centers and exposed stamens.
2. Pollinators prefer fragrant roses whose perfume is a signal to visit.
3. Find disease-resistant varieties that don’t need sprays to stay healthy.
4. Pick floriferous varieties. Bloom size doesn’t matter, but the quantity does.

If you follow these criteria, you’re ready to visit the nursery to find the perfect pollinator-friendly roses! If you want some recommendations, here are 21 varieties that have what it takes to enrich and beautify your pollinator garden.

These roses are great for pollinators as they produce beautiful lavender-pink flowers that have purple and yellow centers. They bloom throughout the summer season.

Common Name:
Garden rose

Scientific Name:
Rosa ‘WEKswechefy’

To avoid plagiarism, it is important to use your own words when paraphrasing. The given content can be rephrased as follows:

The garden rose, scientifically known as Rosa ‘WEKswechefy’, is a popular botanical name for this beautiful species of roses.

Type of plant: Perennial

Requirements for being a member:
Complete membership application.

How tall is it?

It stands between 2-3 feet in height.

Looking for a rose that’s easy on the eyes and attractive to pollinators and gardeners alike? Look no further than ‘Easy On The Eyes’, a stunning single-bloom variety with unique waved petals in shades of lavender pink and intense purple, with yellow centers. This variety is part of Weeks Roses’ Easy to Love collection and is both floriferous and disease-resistant. It grows into an attractive, rounded shrub that fits beautifully in mixed borders and has a light citrusy spice scent.

‘Easy On The Eyes’ is also compact enough to grow in containers, making it an ideal choice for patio pollinator gardens. It prefers full sun (at least 6-8 hours) and can be used to create lovely cut bouquets. Even for beginner rose gardeners, this variety is an excellent and eye-catching choice.

If you’re looking for a sturdy rose that attracts pollinators, the “Mermaid” variety is a great choice. This particular rose produces large blooms with a saucer-like shape and golden stamens. Not only will it add beauty to your garden, but it will also provide a valuable food source for important insects like bees and butterflies.

Commonly known as the Mermaid Rose, Rosa ‘Mermaid’ is a type of botanical plant.

Type of plant:

Looking for plants that can thrive in different degrees of shade? Here are some requirements to consider:

– The plant should be able to grow well in both full or partial shade.

The range of height is between 15 to 25 feet.

Climbing roses are a great addition to any garden, providing both beauty and romance. One such climber that is also loved by pollinators is the ‘Mermaid’. This rose is known for its large open blooms and striking golden stamens. It grows 15-25 feet tall and requires trellis or arbor support. Even in poor soil conditions, it remains a vigorous cultivar. Its antique yellow blooms are beautiful and mildly fragrant, and it provides continuous blooms throughout the season. In warm zones, the foliage of this robust rose remains evergreen, adding to its appeal.

The RÏ…gosa rose has beautiful fuchsia flowers that have wavy petals and a sweet scent.

Botanical Name: Rosa ‘Basye’s Purple’

What kind of plant is this?
This is a perennial plant.

Looking for plants that thrive in different light conditions? Then you should consider plants that can grow in full to partial shade. These plants won’t require too much sunlight and are perfect for areas that do not receive direct sunlight all day long.

How tall are you? The range of heights considered to be within the normal human height is between four and six feet.

Rugosa roses are a favorite among pollinators and ‘Basye’s Purple’ is one of the varieties that stands out with its beautiful fuchsia blooms, waved petals and a fruity fragrance. The open centers reveal floating stamens and bullseye centers. The foliage of this variety is thick and hardy, resistant to diseases. It is a heavy bloomer that produces flowers from spring through fall and is accompanied by burgundy stems and capes that enhance the shrub’s beauty. This variety can survive chilly winters down to zone 3 and hot, dry summers. In autumn, the foliage turns into a gorgeous amber color. By not deadheading it in late summer, one can get a crop of eye-catching red hips. One can grow it as a large, bushy shrub, or train it as a small climber.

“Meet the ‘Jacqueline dû Pré’ – a hardy shrub with a charming semi-double bloom of white petals and cranberry-pink stamens. This beauty emits a musky lemon scent that is simply divine!”

Name of the plant: HARwanna Rose

This is a botanical name for a type of rose called HARwanna.

Type of plant:

The conditions needed for plant growth include partial to full shade.

The vertical measurement of an object or person can be described as its height. Generally, a range of 4 feet to 6 feet can be considered as the typical height of a human being.

Possible paraphrased version:

Roses with full petals and deep cups usually catch my eye, but I have been won over by the charms of ‘Jacqueline du Pré’. This tough plant produces semi-double flowers that feature striking cranberry-pink stamens on a background of glowing white petals tinged with blush. Growing up to six feet tall, ‘Jacqueline’ is a robust shrub rose known for its disease resistance and abundant blooming throughout the season. It releases a musky lemon scent that adds to its appeal and can fill your room if you cut some flowers to bring inside.

Named after a famous British cellist, ‘Jacqueline’ exudes a delicate and ethereal beauty that fits well in any garden. Its elegant upright habit allows it to fit seamlessly into larger pollinator beds. With all these attributes, ‘Jacqueline du Pré’ is a must-have rose variety that can spice up your landscape.

The ‘Blue for You’ rose is a rare sight with its elusive blue hues. It features semi-double blooms that come in heavy clusters, and boasts of a fragrant aroma that combines the sweet smells of clove and candied apple.

Let me rewrite the content for you.

Botanical Name:
Rosa ‘PEJamblυ’

This is a unique and beautiful botanical name given to a specific type of rose. It’s an intriguing name that adds character and personality to the flower.

Plant Type: Perennial

Requirements for joining a team:
Complete submission of all necessary documents and information.

How tall are you? The range is 3 to 6 feet.

Hardiness Zones 6-9
This particular rose comes very close to being a true blue color, making it quite elusive in the rose family. Known as ‘Blue for You’, it produces beautiful semi-double blooms in shades of lilac, magenta, and smoky plum hues. As the flowers age on the bush, the cooler tones of blue become more prominent. Each bloom is highlighted by a luminous white center that adds to its stunning beauty. This rose variety is particularly attractive to bees, making it a great addition to any bee garden.

‘Blue for You’ is a prolific variety that blooms heavily from spring through frost, making it a dependable workhorse in your garden. It is also quite robust and healthy, ensuring a long-lasting and beautiful display. When blooming, this rose smells like cloves and candied apples, and its fragrance becomes even stronger during hot summer days. For a sunny pollinator garden, this rose pairs beautifully with peach-toned yarrow.

The ‘MutaЬilis’ rose is a well-loved heirloom variety that boasts of its butterfly-shaped blooms and vibrant colors. It can thrive even in drought-prone areas and in shaded environments.

Botanical Name:
The plant’s scientific name is Rosa Chinesis ‘Mutabilis’.

Type of plant:

The requirements for growing this plant are as follows: It needs to be grown in an environment that has access to both full and partial shade.

How tall can someone or something be? The possible range is between six and ten feet.

Looking for a rose that can stand up to harsh conditions? Look no further than ‘Mutabilis,’ an award-winning Old Rose and Earth-Kind® Rose of the Year. Earth-Kind® roses receive this designation after extensive trials in hot summers nationwide, with little supplemental irrigation. Not only is ‘Mutabilis’ beautiful and reliable for pollinators, it also changes colors in different stages of bloom, ranging from yellow to pink, gold, and red, earning it the nickname “The Butterfly Rose.” This heirloom variety has been a garden favorite since the 1890s and can handle drought and shade. Just make sure to give it plenty of room, as it can sprawl up to 10 feet wide and tall!

The cultivar called ‘Ringo All-Star’ presents an array of changing hues, impressive single-petaled flowers, and requires minimal upkeep.

How about this:

Plant Name
Rosa ‘CHEweyesup’

Type of Plant: Perennial.

Requirements for being a member
Complete application

How tall is it?


The plant has a height ranging from 2 to 3 feet.

Looking for a smaller version of the vibrant and colorful ‘Mutabilis’ rose? Look no further than the ‘Rio All-Star’ variety. When the flowers initially bloom, they display warm coral petals with yellow rings around a vermillion center. As they mature, they fade into lavender with pink centers. The Royal Horticultural Society named ‘Rio All-Star’ the Rose of the Year in 2015 due to its impressive large, single-petaled blooms that resemble tropical hibiscus. This floribunda rose is an excellent option for garden borders or mass planting, as it is a prolific bloomer throughout the summer and is self-cleaning, without the need for deadheading.

Lure pollinators to your garden with the charming ‘Perfume Breeze’ climber, famous for its strong scent and cascading clusters of fluffy pink flowers.

Botanical Name
Rosa ‘BARise’

The botanical name of this plant is Rosa ‘BARise’.

Plant classification: Perennial.

What are the requirements for a job application? The complete submission is required.

Height can range from 8 to 13 feet.

Looking for fluffy, pom-pom style roses that can attract pollinators? Try ‘Perfume Breeze,’ a climber with soft pink rosettes that have an open center to lure in pollinators. It is one of the most fragrant and pollinator-friendly roses available. Its intense rose fragrance gently wafts through the garden, adding a touch of elegance to any space. The small blooms appear in heavy weeping clusters, making it an excellent choice for a standard rose (rose tree).
‘Perfume Breeze’ is a fast grower with slender, flexible canes, making it easy to train up an arbor or fence. It’s a perfect option if you want hundreds of fragrant blooms quickly. This variety has all the charm of an antique poissette variety but is easier to find at local garden centers.

The Oso Easy Lemon Zest roses are a delightful addition to any garden. These yellow blooms are not only bright and cheerful but also require minimal maintenance, making them perfect for both containers and hedges.

Name of plant: Cheyenne Spirit Coneflower (Rosa ‘CHEwhocaп’)

Type of Plant

Requirements for joining
Complete submission.

How tall is it?
The plant’s height ranges from 2 to 3 feet.

Looking for a burst of bright, cheerful color? Look no further than the ‘Oso Easy Lemon Zest’ rose. This small landscape shrub stands at under 3 feet tall and produces stunning lemon-yellow blooms from spring to frost. It’s perfect for entry containers and can add a breezy summer style to your front door.

What’s even better is that this rose is part of the ‘Oso Easy’ series, which means it requires very little maintenance. There’s no need for deadheading or pruning, making it perfect for lazy gardeners. You can even plant several in a row to form a sunny hedge for your pollinator bed.

The zesty color of the ‘Oso Easy Lemon Zest’ rose pairs beautifully with purple anise hyssop (another pollinator favorite) or deep blue delphiniums. If you want sweet-scented flowers all summer long but don’t want to spend a lot of time on garden maintenance, this rose is an excellent choice.

The enchanting Gallica rose, known as ‘Rosa Mundi’, boasts of magenta-striped petals and a captivating fragrance. It has a rich history to add to its sophistication.

Botanical name: Rosa gallica ‘Variegata’

Type of Plant: Perennial.

What are the requirements for a sun?
Complete sun.

How tall are you?

What is your height?

Can you tell me how many feet or inches you measure from the ground up?

Please let me know your vertical measurement, typically between 3 and 4 feet.

The hardiness zones for the ancient Gallica rose known as ‘Rosa Mundi’ are between 4-8. This exquisite rose variety boasts magenta-striped, shell pink petals and a delightful fragrance that has inspired a Diptyque candle. ‘Rosa Mundi’ has been cultivated since the 1540s in Europe and has an intriguing origin legend involving Eleanor of Aquitaine, King Henry II, and his mistress Rosamund. Despite the misconception that old garden roses are less disease and pest resistant than new varieties, ‘Rosa Mundi’ is a tough and easy-to-grow shrub with vigor, health, beauty, and a distinctly lavish fragrance. This stylish heirloom blooms in the spring for approximately six weeks, outlasting most popular perennials in terms of flowering length, making it one of the most tempting pollinator-friendly roses.

Consider choosing small and dainty blossoms such as ‘Veilchenblau,’ which boasts violet and cream-striped petals, to create a garden that is enticing to bees.

Botanical Name: Rosa ‘Veilchenblau’.

Type of Plant: Perennial

What the plant needs
The plant prefers an environment that is shady to partially shady.

Height of the object ranges between ten to twenty feet.

If you’re looking for pollinator-friendly roses, consider planting hardiness zones 4-10 with delicate miniature blooms instead of big, blooming ones. ‘Veilchenblau’ is a rambler rose that can grow up to 20 feet tall and produces violet and cream-streaked flowers with yellow stamens. These pearly, thornless capes produce lily-of-the-valley-scented blooms each spring for 5-6 weeks, making it a showstopper in part shade. It’s extremely cold-hardy and thrives in warm climates, making it a vigorous choice for purple fans!

Transform your garden into an enchanting woodland with the effortless charm of the ‘Ballerina’ rose that blooms all year round.

Botanical Name: Rosa ‘Ballerina’

Type of plant

What are the requirements for growing sun-loving plants?

Sun-loving plants need full to partial shade conditions to grow.

Height Range: 36 inches to 72 inches.

Looking to create an enchanted woodland look in your garden? Look no further than the Ballerina rose, a fuss-free hybrid musk rose that blooms almost constantly. This bushy shrub can grow up to six feet tall but can be easily maintained at a lower height. You can even prune it with a hedge trimmer for a dense hedge covered in adorable pink flowers. The small blooms are a soft baby pink with cream centers and appear in large clusters on the shrub, resembling hydrangeas. Pollinators love the light, sweet musk scent of the blooms. Highly awarded for its excellent health, Ballerina is tolerant of both shade and hot, sunny sites. Its petals are a chef’s favorite for flavoring honey, syrups, and rose desserts. For a charming fairy garden effect, pair Ballerina with creamy white bunny tail grass.

The neat ‘Scabrosa’ rugosa rose flaunts its velvety magenta flowers, accompanied by a spicy scent and winter tomato-red hips.

Botanical name:
Rosa rugosa rubra ‘Scabrosa’

Plant classification

Sun requirements:
The plant needs sunlight ranging from full to partial shade.

What is your height range? It can be from five feet to six feet tall.

If you’re looking for a standout rugosa rose, consider ‘Scabrosa.’ This variety stands out because it maintains a tidier shrub shape, unlike other sprawling varieties. Its velvety magenta blooms resemble poppies, with thin, papery petals that shine in the sun. The fragrance is exquisite and reminiscent of spicy carnations with a rosy twist.
Like other rugosas, ‘Scabrosa’ has leathery, wrinkled foliage in fresh green. Once established, it’s drought-tolerant and can handle extreme winter temperatures down to -40℉.
Bees love this rose and are drawn to its heavenly scent throughout the summer. In winter, it’s adorned with round, plump tomato-red hips, which add an eye-catching element to any arrangement or decor. Keep in mind that ‘Scabrosa’ spreads via suckers, so be prepared to transplant new plants or give it ample space.

The Peter Beales rose emits a pleasant scent, with shiny green leaves that surround its large, deep red flowers and notable golden stamens.

Plant name: Rosa ‘CLEexpert’

Botanical name: Rosa ‘CLEexpert’

Plant classification: Perennial.

What is needed to be considered for a job application?

To apply for a job, it is important to meet all the necessary requirements. A full application is required, meaning that every section must be completed and all requested documents must be submitted.

What is your height range?

Possible paraphrase:

How tall are you, in the range of four to five feet?

Hardiness Zones 5-10

Although red flowers don’t usually attract bees (although other pollinators do), the scent of the ‘Peter Beales’ rose does. Named after a world-renowned rose expert, this deep red rose will also catch your attention.

‘Peter’ has glossy green leaves and large crimson blooms. Although it generally stays on the smaller side with a neat, upright habit, it can grow up to 7 feet when happy. It looks best at the back of the border, complemented with a chartreuse ground cover like lemon coral sedum.

Prominent golden stamens are striking against ‘Peter Beale’s’ dark red petals. The blooms are great for cutting and equally beautiful in the vase. Plant this shrub rose in full sun anywhere you need an intense pop of color!

The rose variety known as ‘Tottering-by-Gently’ is a strong and hardy plant that produces single blooms resembling buttercups, along with visually appealing hips.

Flower Name
Rosa ‘AUScartooп’

Plant Classification

What is needed for growing?
Shade from full to partial.

How tall are you? The range of height can be from 3 to 5 feet.

Hardiness zones 5-11 are perfect for the bursting simplicity of cottage garden appeal found in the ‘Tottering-by-Gently’ rose variety. Created in honor of a popular British cartoon’s 25th anniversary, this rose boasts whimsical sprays of buttercup-like single blooms that keep coming all season long. It is a robust grower that produces many basal canes, forming a dense and tidy shrub when planted en masse along a pathway. Deadheading is not necessary as the large blooms are self-cleaning. Additionally, it has a light musky scent and is often covered in pollinators.

This multiseason stunner produces pale yellow blooms that are followed by nice orange hips, which feed the birds during the winter months. However, ‘Tottering-by-Gently’ is not recommended for humid areas, as it is susceptible to black spot. Overall, this delightful rose variety is perfect for those looking to add some charm and allure to their garden.

A charming rose called ‘Dainty Bess’ boasts of distinctive burgundy stamens, a strong and resilient structure, and abundant blooming with a delightful scent.

Botanical Name: Rosa ‘Crépuscule’

Type of Plant: Perennial

Growing Needs:
The plant requires partial to full shade.

How tall are you? If your height falls between 2 to 5 feet, then that is considered your height range.

Possible paraphrased content:

Zones 4-9
I really want to have ‘Dainty Bess’ in my garden among the most pollinator-friendly roses. Its unique appearance has made it a beloved rose for many years, and it even received the Royal National Rose Society’s Gold Medal back in 1925. Though it has been overlooked lately, this rose has all the qualities to make a grand comeback.
‘Bess’ is remarkable with its burgundy-wine-colored stamens and delicate-looking petals in a muted pink shade that is simply delectable. This rose is compact, blooms freely, and produces large flowers in repeat flushes from spring until fall.
I usually avoid hybrid tea roses because they can be too fussy in my climate, but I make an exception for ‘Dainty Bess.’ Despite its dainty appearance, this rose is tough and hardy, unfazed by soaring summer heat or winters down to zone 4. Moreover, it has a refreshing wildflower fragrance that adds to its appeal, and I am eager to add it to my collection.

The ‘Green Spake’ rose is an ideal option for ground cover as it grows short and has trailing stems, along with healthy leaves that are not prone to disease. Additionally, the plant produces ivory-colored flowers.

Botanical name:
Rosa ‘LENwich’

Plant variety: Perennial.

What the plant needs
Partial to full shade is required by the plant.

Height of the object ranges between 4 to 6 inches.

Looking for an unconventional option for ground cover? Consider using roses! The ‘Green Scape’ cultivar is perfect for this purpose, only growing to a height of 6-10 inches. Its long, trailing canes can spread up to 7 feet wide, and it produces a heavy flush of blush-tinted ivory blooms in early spring, with scattered repeat flushes throughout the season. This variety has disease-free bright green foliage that looks lovely even when not in bloom, giving it a wild and informal look. Plant it in front of taller plants in a large landscape bed or use it to trail over rock walls for a graceful effect in tiered gardens.

The ‘Arctic Rose’ plant is well-suited for cold weather conditions, and boasts beautiful pink flowers, a delightful scent, and attractive orange hips.

Botanical Name:
Rosa ‘Acicularis’

Plant classification

What are the requirements for growing sunflowers?

Sunflowers need a certain amount of shade, ranging from full to partial shade.

The range of height for an object or person is between three to seven feet.

Native plants are the ideal option when it comes to finding plants for pollinators. There are numerous native roses that can be included in cultivated gardens to attract and support pollinators. One such specimen is the Arctic Rose, which is native to various regions in North America, including Canada, Alaska, and the Northern Great Plains. It thrives in cold climates and can tolerate some summer heat as well. While Native Americans once consumed it as a foraged edible, the beautiful pink open blooms give the garden a pleasant aroma of honey and cinnamon. In addition, the decorative orange hips that grow in fall provide nutritious food for wildlife. The Arctic Rose is best suited for larger properties where it can fill in and create a dense thicket.

The ‘Lyda Rose’ is a flower that always blooms and has beautiful white petals with pink edges. It has a nostalgic appeal and can tolerate shade well.

Botanical Name:
Rosa ‘LETTlyda’

This is the scientific name of a particular type of rose.

Plant Category: Perennial

What is needed for plant growth?
Shade is required, either full or partial.

The measurement of how tall someone or something is can be described as “height”. To specify a range of height, one could say “between 4 feet and 5 feet”.

Looking for a way to enjoy the beauty of dogwood blossoms all summer long? Look no further than the ‘Lyda Rose’ shrub, which offers a constant supply of exquisite pink-edged white flowers with a sweet and spicy scent. This midsize plant is named after the song from The Music Man and has small, delicate blooms that give it a nostalgic, old-fashioned charm. Rated highly for its health, ‘Lyda’ was awarded Best Modern Shrub Bloom. It’s an excellent choice for shady conditions, producing abundant flowers with just a few hours of sunlight.

The resilient and everblooming ‘Sally Holmes’ rose is a beautiful addition to any moonlit garden. Its ruffled white petals give off a snowy-white appearance that adds a touch of elegance to its surroundings.

Flower enthusiasts, have you heard of the botanical name Rosa ‘Sally Holmes’? This particular species is worth talking about due to its unique characteristics.

Type of plant:

The necessary condition for the plant is as follows: it can grow well under full to partial shade.

Possible paraphrased content:

Measurement of height
– The range of height is between 6 to 12 feet.

Note: To ensure originality, it is important to use different words and sentence structures when rephrasing. Also, it is good to cite or provide a source if the content is not common knowledge.

Looking to grow a beautiful moon garden filled with pollinating flowers? Consider adding the hardiness zone 5-9 ‘Sally Holmes’ rose – a World Federation of Rose Societies Hall of Fame winner. This everblooming rose produces up to 60 apricot-colored buds that bloom into ruffled white open flowers throughout the season. It can thrive in poor conditions and requires little maintenance. As temperatures cool, its blooms take on a slight hint of ballet pink. You can tie its thornless canes to a trellis or let it sprawl into a large shrub. Either way, the bounty of flowers is breathtaking. To create a swoon-worthy bouquet with a long vase life, cut just one cluster of the lightly-scented blooms.

The ‘Clair Matiп’ rose, which boasts large blooms in a striking pink hue, is a fast-growing plant that draws many pollinators due to its popularity. Additionally, this variety of rose has a delightful sweetbriar scent.

The name of this beautiful flower is Botanical Name Rosa ‘MEImot’.

Plant Classification

Requirements for soup
Complete Soup

What is the range of height for this object? It measures between 6 and 12 feet.

Hardiness Zones 5-10
With large blooms, up to 5 inches in diameter, covered in deep pink, ‘Clair Matin’ is a stunningly beautiful rose. Each flower has a touch of lighter shading, giving them depth that stands out even from a distance. The buds start off strawberry-pink, adding a showy contrast.
This floriferous quick grower takes up a lot of space. It’s a massive shrub reaching up to 12 feet, so plant it as a centerpiece of a large area, a natural hedge, or to fill in an empty corner. You won’t be disappointed with its popularity among pollinators or its fresh sweetbriar perfume.
‘Clair Matin,’ meaning clear morning in French, provides a major impact while sticking to a soft palette. It’s a gold medal winner in France. Plant it near a window to observe all of its fluttering visitors. Soon you’ll feel like the proprietor of a countryside château.
We generally plant rose gardens for their ornamental appeal, but they can also be a boon for pollinators! Plant fragrant varieties with an easily-accessible open form and your roses will smell even sweeter for having done your part to give nature a hand.
Remember that pollinators rely on you to maintain a habitat for them. To avoid harming beneficial insects, choose roses rated highly for disease-and-pest-resistance and tolerate a bit of imperfection. The roses on this list will even aid in attracting the beneficial bugs that serve as natural pest control! Here’s wishing you a summer filled with incredible blooms and buzzing bees. Enjoy your roses!

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