Exquisite Beauty Unveiled: The Enchanting Serruria Florida

Serruria Florida or ‘Blushing Bride’ are a type of flowering protea native to South Africa. They are beautiful papery flower. Blushing Bride is grown in Australia on large bushes in plantations. Plantations are found all over Australia.
Here are Interesting Facts about Blushing Bride. – Serruria florida was extinct for over 100 years in the wild in South Africa until an accidental fire in the 1960’s germinated some seeds on the Fransch Hoek mountains in South Africa. – They are available in Pink and White
– Availability is July, August and September. – Blushing Bride are thought to have gotten their name from the idea that a young man wore the flower if he was about to propose. – Another version states that when a young man would court a maiden he would give her a flower. The deeper the shade of pink the more imminent the proposal which would cause her to blush.
– Other origin suggests that the flower became a popular bridal flower which gave it it’s name. – They can last up to 14 days post harvest. – They like cooler weather and flower between May – October in Australia. – The genus was named after J. Serrurier – a professor of botany at the University of Utrecht in the early eighteenth century. – The species name florida refers to the Latin meaning free-flowering or producing abundant flowers.
To look after Blushing Bride keep them cool whenever possible, split bunches and strip leaves (if any) from the lower half of each stem, recut at least 2 cm off each stem with sharp secateurs and place in water immediately. We hope you love Blushing Bride as much as we do

Blushing Bride Flower (Everything You Need To Know About Serruria Florida  Protea!) - Kidsthatdig.com

Serruria - Wikipedia

Serruria florida (Blushing bride) - Plantinfo

Serruria florida 'Blushing Bride', Protea 'Blushing Bride' in GardenTags  plant encyclopedia

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