“From Miles Apart to Purrfectly Together: An Unforgettable Tale of a Beautiful Blind Cat and Her Lookalike Feline Companion”

Emily Shotter was browsing through Twitter when her friend sent her a post about a blind cat in a California animal shelter. To her surprise, the fluffy white feline looked eerily similar to her own cat Moet.

fluffy white blind rescue cat

According to Emily, the special needs cat captured her heart, prompting her to contact the organization to learn more. Upon inquiry, she discovered that despite numerous interested adopters, none were suitable. Although Emily was not initially seeking to adopt, her friends urged her to apply, resulting in approval. However, the challenge was getting the cat from SNAP Cats in Santa Rosa, California, to her home in Oman. To accomplish this, Emily had to raise funds in just eight days, which she successfully accomplished.

fluffy white blind rescue cat

When Emily took in Moet, her first blind cat, she was initially worried about the responsibilities that come with caring for a visually-impaired feline. However, after seven years of experience, Emily realized that taking care of a sightless cat isn’t that different from looking after one who can see. This realization made the process much less daunting for her. Emily is confident that she could easily take in another blind cat, even if it had a different personality. In January 2022, Emily welcomed Andie, a cute blind cat who lost her sight due to buphthalmos, to Oman. Emily decided to rename her Chandon to commemorate her new beginning. Andie had been named after the lady who rescued her and brought her to the shelter.

fluffy white blind rescue cat

To honor the resemblance of her cat to Moet, Emily decided to name her feline Chandon. Emily believes that Chandon fits well for her cat since it can be abbreviated to “Chandie,” which sounds similar to Andie. Luckily, it didn’t take long for Chandon to adapt to her new home and surroundings despite traveling thousands of miles. Many people wonder if blind cats have difficulty locating their essentials such as food and litter, but that was never an issue for Chandon or Moet. According to Emily, they have never had any accidents and were quick to remember where everything was located. Although Chandon settled into her new environment quickly, it took some time for her to bond with the other cats in the household. Emily noticed that Chandon had a more spirited personality than the other cats, so bonding with them was challenging.

fluffy white blind rescue cat

Chandon has been thriving in Oman for a few months now, despite her blindness. She behaves like any other cat and enjoys sitting on Emily’s lap while getting her coat groomed. However, Chandon can be a little choosy about where she is petted, much like many other cats. Emily reveals that while Chandon loves chin rubs, she doesn’t prefer being touched anywhere else on her body. So, if you dare to touch her in those areas, you do it at your own risk!

fluffy white blind rescue cat

Chandon is a lovable cat who enjoys cuddling and eating, proving that she’s not much different from other cats. However, Emily warns anyone considering adopting a blind cat to be prepared for how amazing they are. Despite her blindness, Chandon is just like any other cat, and owning her comes with even more rewards. Emily believes that she was the lucky one to have found Chandon and is grateful to be her loving mom and provide her with a forever home. Chandon means everything to Emily.

fluffy white blind rescue cat

If you want to get more information about this charming feline, feel free to give Chandon a follow on Instagram.

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