The Heartwarming Tale of a Compassionate Samaritan Who Feeds a Starving Canine, Bringing Joy to All

Every dog deserves a chance to be happy and have a family to call their own. Unfortunately, due to limited space, many young and old pets are being euthanized in overcrowded boarding houses. It’s heartbreaking that there are millions of dogs and cats in shelters waiting for someone to give them a forever home. However, some of these animals have a limited time before they are put on a “death watch.” Each of these furry friends has a specific date by which they must find a home, or they will be put to sleep by the shelter.

Meet Mocha, a sweet one-year-old pit bull mix who was abandoned at the Rowan County Animal Shelter in Salisbury, North Carolina. Her previous owner left her and another dog behind, and poor Mocha was unable to fend for herself. Sadly, the shelter had given her a deadline of November 1, after which she would be euthanized if not adopted. Let’s spread the word and help find Mocha a loving forever home!

The scared puppy was trembling in her cage as potential foster parents approached. She was infested with fleas and paralyzed by fear. Albina Albiie Chanel, a volunteer at the shelter, felt deeply saddened by Mocha’s condition and desired to show her that not all humans are cruel. The sight of Mocha, who was skeletal, covered in fleas, and unable to stand, broke Albina’s heart. In a Facebook post, she wrote a letter on Mocha’s behalf, stating how depressed and frightened she was, sitting on death row, awaiting to be put to sleep. Albina wrote that Mocha had never experienced a good life, despite only being a year old. Mocha shook uncontrollably, which frightened people away, but she loved to eat. Albina attempted to take pictures of Mocha but found that Mocha was too weak to stand. Mocha was abandoned at the shelter with her friend and may take some time to adjust to new people due to her overwhelming fear. People like Albina hope to change the fate of dogs like Mocha and show them that there is still kindness in the world.

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