The Timeless Charm and Symbolic Meaning of Lily’s Beauty

Recently, the search for the white, bell-shaped lily flower has been on the rise, as it has been seen on the rise in France. This flower blossoms in unparalleled beauty and fragrance and is considered a small symbol of happiness in France.

Linh Lan is a Sinhalese-Vietnamese translator, who derived from the name of the flower 鈴蘭 (línglán) in Chinese. This flower is scientifically known as Convallaria majalis L., named by Swedish naturalist Carl von Linne in 1753. It is the only species in the genus Convallaria, family Asparagaceae. The French call it Muguet de Mai, and the Anglo-Americans call it Lily of the valley.

Linh Lan is a herbaceous perennial plant, 20-30 cm tall. The underground stem has lateral and branched rhizomes, while the stem tip has heptaphyllous undeground shoots. Leaves oval or narrown, alternate; the flowers are bell-shaped, white, but sometimes pinkish and also red, slanting to one side.


The beach plant known as “Sea Lavender” has a height of about 15-20 cm and bears small flowers with a diameter of about 8 mm. Additionally, its reddish-purple, 5-7 mm in diameter, contains numerous long white or light brown seeds. According to some species, the little of the valley is divided into many types and botanists believe that there are four types that will become independent species, normally Convallaria majalis var. keiskei (distributed in China and Japan, bell-shaped flowers, red fruits); Convallaria majalis var. majalis (distributed in Eurasia, white or pink flowers); Convallaria montana (North American distribution, light green midrib on flowers); Convallaria rosea (pink flower, also a variety recognized by many scholars).

In France, the tradition of giving a bunch of Sea Lavender on May 1 every year has been ongoing for many years. The French have the custom of giving each other a bunch of Sea Lavender to wish each other a happy year. The recipient of the bouquet hangs the flower in the room to wish that there is much joy in the rest of the year. In Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Andorra, there are similar customs. Some people believe that a single branch of little of the valley with exactly 13 small flowers will bring good luck. In French folklore, this flower also symbolizes 13 years of marriage.


There are many legends about the valley. Here is Leornado, the guardian of the forest, planted a fragment with a tiny piece of the valley in the frozen land and it is the incarnation of Saint Leonardo. People also refer to the petals of the valley as “Our Lady’s Tears”, which are tears of the Virgin Mary or tears shed by women.


In Ukrainian legend, there was a beautiful girl writing for her lover on the return expedition. She wrote fervently without seeing her lover, her tears fell on the grass in the forest and turned into tears. Fragrant lilacs bloomed around her. According to Greek legend, lilacs were created by the good Apollo.
The lilac is the national flower of Finland and of the kingdom of Yugoslavia (Yugoslavia). The orchids are thought to be Snow White’s broken pearls or the little lanterns of the Seven Dwarfs.


The concept of flowers is often associated with emotions such as happiness, passion, and the return of happiness. Generally, people can grow this flower in pots, cut branches to display or plant in a shady place in the garden. Please note, however, that despite being used in folk medicine in moderate doses, the entire lily-of-the-valley plant is highly toxic, which can be deadly if swallowed or drunk from the flowers.


Reheating food is always a problem, people can confuse the time with wild garlic, so when you want to grow them as an ornament, you need to distinguish between the two species. Their leaf structure is not the same, the leaves of garlic are not the same as the leaves of wild garlic. More frequently than not, they’re fragrant then lilac-of-the-valley.


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